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[英文]搖滾麥克( michael learns to rock )【Eternity(愛 無止盡) 】 關閉[複製鏈接]

smallkoala 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-18 11:55 PM|只看該作者|倒序瀏覽
本帖最後由 smallkoala 於 2009-1-19 04:49 PM 編輯

[英語]搖滾麥克( michael learns to rock )【Eternity(愛 無止盡) 】
專輯名稱:Eternity(愛 無止盡)
演唱者:搖滾麥克( michael learns to rock )
‧全球900萬次心跳見證,因為有你,愛 無止盡! ‧「情歌至尊」搖滾麥克MLTR,睽違五年、全新大碟!
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smallkoala 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-18 11:56 PM|只看該作者
1.When Tomorrow Comes(當明日到來)

I I'm lying so quiet by your side
I'm afraid of you'll open up your eyes
Coz when the morning comes you'll say goodbye
And now I see a ray of sunlight on your bed
I try to move the curtain once again
It doesn't really matter anyway
I know it, it's all over
Coz when tomorrow comes
You began to slow down sunrise
I'm holding on to you all night through
Until tomorrow comes
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smallkoala 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-18 11:57 PM|只看該作者
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2.It's Gonna Make Sense
電影 我的人魚女友 台灣區主題曲

Life comes at many shapes
You think you know what you've got
until it changes
and life will take you high and low
You gonna learn how to walk
and learn which way to go
Every choice you make
when you're lost
Every step you take
has its cause
After you clear your eyes
you see the light
somewhere in the darkness
After the rain has gone
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smallkoala 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-18 11:58 PM|只看該作者
若瀏覽伊莉的時侯發生問題或不正常情況,請使用Internet Explorer(I.E)。
3.Shadow Side of Me(黯淡靈魂)

I feel your existence in your body
Though you try to hide it
I know there's a battle in your mind
I'm filling the distance you are drifting
And I just can't fight it
How do we go on like this
Putting everything at risk
Hard to live
With the shadow side of me
You need what I can be
Holding on
To a *** each other man
If you're looking fot perfection
That is not the way I am
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smallkoala 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-18 11:59 PM|只看該作者
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4.You Want More(想要更多)

You want more
You want more
You want more
The taste of love
You don't give up
The dream that grows in your mind
A touch of joy
A glimpse of light
You can sleep at night
You want more
You want more
You want more
You want more
You want a soul
Someone to adore
You want more
You want more
The sound of strings
Unfold your wings
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smallkoala 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-19 12:02 AM|只看該作者
本帖最後由 smallkoala 於 2009-1-19 12:03 AM 編輯

5.Sweetest Surprise

電影 我的人魚女友 台灣區主題曲

I never knew life could be like this
Never thought that I would be
the one that you would kiss
I never knew love could be so rough
But now I've found the real thing
I can't get enough
The sweetest surprise caught me tonight
Right there in your eyes while I was kissing you
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smallkoala 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-19 12:03 AM|只看該作者
6.Family Tree(把你 寫進我生命裡)

I'm gonna be the owner of the world for a little while
And it feels like I am flying (I am flying)
Everybody's waving in the crowd to get a smile
But they never saw me crying ( saw me crying)
Even when we dance close the floor
And everyone's calling out for more
Someone in your heart you feel alone
Hold my hand tonight
And show me what is right
Make my life complete below the family tree
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smallkoala 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-19 12:04 AM|只看該作者
7.I Do(我願意)

I promise to love and cherish you
for as long as we both shall live
I'm left with an echo of I do
It doesn't seem so far away
I remember the promise you made
Still hear an echo of I do
Cause you will always be a part of me
I keep you in my heart
And a piece of me will always be
right there by your side
Now that you've found somebody new
And God knows I'm happy for you
Don't you hear an echo of I do
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smallkoala 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-19 12:05 AM|只看該作者
若有安裝色情守門員,可用無界、自由門等軟件瀏覽伊莉。或使用以下網址瀏覽伊莉: http://www.eyny.com:81/index.php
8.Look Around(看看你的四周)

When you're down, you're feeling bitter
Strolling into the night
There's a place in electrical weather
Shining the bluest dark lights in sight
Reaching out in digital voices
Everything is waiting there
If you tried, you couldn't avoid it
Siphon magic is in the air
Look around
Finally lost flying all around tonight
Just look around, my friend
Face it, chase it
You're scratching in the top of the surface
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smallkoala 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-19 12:08 AM|只看該作者
9.The War is Not Over(無止盡之戰)

(Na na na na na na)
(Ooh na na na na na)
I slowly walk on down into the night
To see how dreams of people die
They gently fall from windows all around
And crash against the ground like glass
And I'm so sorry, I'm so helpless in this angry world
If only I could change it for one day
The war is not over
Everyone knows it
It's just a reason to make us believe
That someone's the loser
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smallkoala 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-19 12:09 AM|只看該作者
若對尊貴或贊助會員有任何疑問,歡迎向我們查詢。我們的即時通或MSN: admin@eyny.com
10.Lonely Satellite(寂寞衛星)

How can you think it's right
To treat me like you do
You're so careless with the truth
How can we make it back
If you can make amends
With no time left to pretend
Inside there's a river rising
Inside there's a love denied
Inside there's a feeling that I can't fight
Leave me right back to the start
Leave me with a broken heart
My eyes are closed but all I see is you...it's you
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smallkoala 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-19 12:09 AM|只看該作者
11.Walk with Me(陪我走)

Was it good
Did I behave like I should
Was it fine
The way we chose to spend our time
Knowing you has been an everlasting thrill
And I love you still
Strong is life
And really hard to sacrifice
This world of mine
Though it has been rough sometimes
Evil words
I said when I was really mad
Were not meant so bad

Walk with me
Just turn around and let it be
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smallkoala 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-19 12:10 AM|只看該作者
本帖最後由 smallkoala 於 2009-1-19 12:13 AM 編輯



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