●【遊戲名稱】:室內樂園 免安裝EA版 Indoorlands v0.6.5f4 ●【遊戲類型】:SIM(模擬經營) ●【遊戲語言】:英文/德文
●【檔案內容】:EXE ●【是否安裝】:否 ●【支援手把】:否 ●【最低系統】:Windows 7 (SP1+)/8.1/10 64bit ●【販售價格】:NT$ 248(Steam價格,可能會隨活動或組合包有所變動) ●【開發團隊】: , ●【發行廠商】: ,
●【遊戲影片】: ●【遊戲簡介】:室內公園模擬器,您可以控制您的游樂設施和自由設計您的大廳。管理、擴展和發展你自己的公園,以激勵你的游客。通過解鎖和研究新建筑、游樂設施等,滿足游客的需求。 |
| 2021/10/02更新 | 2021/07/14發行EA | 上手難易度:★★★☆☆(沙盒建造)
遊戲趣味性:★★★★☆(樂園模擬) Welcome to your own indoor amusement park
Build your own indoor amusement park, manage it and convince your visitors with individually designed halls and rides that you can control yourself. Will you manage to exceed the needs of your visitors? You are the boss: Let your creativity run free and run your own customized park that fully immerse your guests into another world.
Build your dream amusement park
Build, expand, and manage your own park. Take up the challenge and progressively unlock different types of halls, rides, decorations and shops. Level up your buildings, choose individual perks and adjust price/quality, so your visitors are ultimatively satisfied.
You can choose from a variety of themes and combine them freely - there are no limits to your creativity. Design your park piece by piece: Indoorlands makes a designer out of you!
Control and ride unique flatrides
Your rides are the center of attention at Indoorlands. Not only can you control them and paint them individually, you can also record and save your own ride programs. Choose from your different ride programs and let them play automatically.
Turn your dreams into reality
Show the world your vision of a perfect indoor park. Indoorlands offers every player the opportunity to create a unique park. Place and decorate your ride halls and decoration halls. Design your rides and create breathtaking ride programs. Choose between different stores and restaurants, make your visitors happy and become the most successful park entrepreneur.
Whether you want to recreate your favorite parkrides or leave the real world at the door when designing your rides... - the decision is up to you!
●【下載/安裝教學】:建議使用JDownloader2下載器複製連結後下載 / 解壓縮 / 執行Indoorlands.exe
●【注意事項】: - 現無中文,建造模擬類遊戲,樂園題材
- 尚不確定日後是否會支援中文
所有小弟發布的遊戲均來自國外破解網站,因此建議,若遇木馬偵測,請自行決定是否刪除遊戲 若打開跳登入steam,請參考""(勾選以破解) 小弟以分享單機、可遊玩為主,若遊戲有連線功能,小弟基本無法解決(我只有一台電腦),需熱心版友協尋連機補丁,還是一句老話,連機遊戲如有喜歡,請和朋友一起入正支持~
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●【我的分類】: 本帖類別 ●【存活時間】:30天
下載項目:室內樂園 免安裝EA版 Indoorlands v0.6.5f4 下載日期: 月 日
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