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494| 1 | [英語問題]Happen to / Self . Thanks everyone for helping. |
| 分享使你變得更實在,可以使其他人感到快樂,分享是我們的動力。今天就來分享你的資訊、圖片或檔案吧。 |
不吃黃蓮不知苦,事非經過不知難//天有不測風雲,人有旦夕禍福。 | |
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點評web996his360 But I am going to be in military to do my military service for one year, I am afraid I will forget what I have remembered.. After I did my military service, I wanna go to Australia for working holiday
web996his360 Yep, My computer and phone have already been all-English, I like it! but I'm afraid to make wrong grammar of English. Now, I will try my best to make the all-English answers and questions.
pop00123 Making your daily routine as all-English as possible will help. ex: Switch your phones and computers to all-English version. Take notes in English. Self-talk in English...etc.
pop00123 It's okay.This is due to the unfamiliarity with English grammar,so you are still thinking in Chinese when you construct English sentences. Making your daily routine as all-English as possible
pop00123 沒有關係.這是因為對英文法還沒熟悉,所以你還不習慣用英文思考,而不自覺地以中文法來思考英文.只要多讀多聽,持之以恆,自然會豁然開朗.
web996his360 像是問題二,我每次造句子都會遇到那種情況.. 該怎麼辦, 就像你說的聽起來像中文.. 看完你這麼一翻..我也這麼覺得
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分享使你變得更實在,可以使其他人感到快樂,分享是我們的動力。今天就來分享你的資訊、圖片或檔案吧。 | ||