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Imports System.Collections
Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared
Imports System.IO
Public Class FormRRWizard

Private DT As RS_RadarReport.dsSDFGeneral.aaAAARepWizSdfDataTable
Private DR As RS_RadarReport.dsSDFGeneral.aaAAARepWizSdfRow

Dim DSForArray As DataSet
Dim DTForArray As DataTable
Dim DRForArray As DataRow

Private sArrayCaption() As String
Private sArrayCtlType() As String
Private sArrayDefValue() As String
Private sArrayParamName() As String
Private sArrayParamVisible() As String
Private sArraySubSearch() As String

' Set the Parameter Value and Type to send for Reporting
Private sArrayParamValue() As String
Private sArrayParamType() As String

Private sCaption As String
Private sCtlType As String
Private sDefValue As String
Private sParamName As String

Private sParamVisible As String
Private sSubSearch As String

Private sRptPath As String
Private sRptDescription As String
Private sRptID As String

Private VisibleCount As Integer
Dim sArrayFields(5) As String

Private flag As Boolean = False
''' To select the Report and show the settings in the Gridview by Calling the
''' GetReportWizardRecor, Initial and ArrayToTable procedure
''' Author: Omid Aghili
''' Starting Date: 3/2/2010
Private Sub BtnEditReportID_ButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ButtonPressedEventArgs) Handles BtnEditReportID.ButtonClick

Dim F As New FormRRReportID
'BtnEditReportPath.Visible = False
TxtEditReportDes.Properties.ReadOnly = True

BtnEditReportID.Text = F.Value


TxtEditReportDes.Text = sRptDescription
LbSubTitle.Text = sRptDescription
TxtEditReportPath.Text = sRptPath
LblUpdateDate.Text = DR.KeyInDate.ToLongDateString
LblUpdateTime.Text = DR.KeyInDate.ToLongTimeString
LblUpdateBy.Text = DR.KeyInBy


End Sub
''' To retrieve the Record from the RepWizardTable by Report ID and Convert it to Array
''' by calling ConvertToArray()
''' Author: Omid Aghili
''' Starting Date: 3/2/2010
Public Sub GetReportWizardRecord(ByVal qRepID As String)
DT = New RS_RadarReport.dsSDFGeneral.aaAAARepWizSdfDataTable

DT = RiskkServices.RadarReportService.GetReportWizardRecord(qRepID)

If DT.Count <> 0 Then
DR = DT(0)
sCaption = DR.ArrCaption
sCtlType = DR.ArrCtlType
sDefValue = DR.ArrDefValue
sParamName = DR.ArrParamName
sParamVisible = DR.Visible
sSubSearch = DR.SubSearchInfo
sRptPath = DR.RptPath
sRptDescription = DR.RepDesc

Throw New Exception("There is not any record in ReportWizard Table equivalent to ReportID.")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Dim rethrow As Boolean = ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "PresentationPolicy")
If rethrow Then
End If
End Try
End Sub

'''Conver the retrieved record to the array
''' Author: Omid Aghili
''' Starting Date: 3/2/2010
Public Sub ConvertToArray()
If sCaption IsNot Nothing Then
sArrayCaption = sCaption.Split(CChar("|"))
End If
If sCtlType IsNot Nothing Then
sArrayCtlType = sCtlType.Split(CChar("|"))
End If
If sDefValue IsNot Nothing Then
sArrayDefValue = sDefValue.Split(CChar("|"))
End If
If sParamName IsNot Nothing Then
sArrayParamName = sParamName.Split(CChar("|"))
sArrayParamType = sParamName.Split(CChar("|"))
sArrayParamValue = sParamName.Split(CChar("|"))
End If
If sParamVisible IsNot Nothing Then
sArrayParamVisible = sParamVisible.Split(CChar("|"))
End If

If sSubSearch IsNot Nothing Then
sArraySubSearch = sSubSearch.Split(CChar("|"))
End If
sArraySubSearch = sSubSearch.Split(CChar("|"))
End Sub
''' To initial the captions and fields
''' Author: Omid Aghili
''' Starting Date: 5/2/2010
Public Sub Initial()

Dim sArrayLable(5) As String
sArrayLable(0) = "Parameter Name"
sArrayLable(1) = "Lable Caption"
sArrayLable(2) = "Control Type"
sArrayLable(3) = "Defualt Value"
sArrayLable(4) = "Sub Search"
sArrayLable(5) = "Visible"

'sArrayFields(0) = DT.ArrParamNameColumn.ColumnName
'sArrayFields(1) = DT.ArrCaptionColumn.ColumnName
'sArrayFields(2) = DT.ArrCtlTypeColumn.ColumnName
'sArrayFields(3) = DT.ArrDefValueColumn.ColumnName
'sArrayFields(4) = DT.SubSearchInfoColumn.ColumnName
'sArrayFields(5) = DT.VisibleColumn.ColumnName

sArrayFields(0) = "ArrParamName"
sArrayFields(1) = "ArrCaption"
sArrayFields(2) = "ArrCtlType"
sArrayFields(3) = "ArrDefValue"
sArrayFields(4) = "SubSearchInfo"
sArrayFields(5) = "Visible"

BandedGridView1.OptionsBehavior.Editable = True
'Set the grid Columns
'Dim C As DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.BandedGrid.BandedGridColumn
'Dim I As Integer
'For I = 0 To sArrayLable.Count - 1
' C = New DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.BandedGrid.BandedGridColumn
' C.Caption = sArrayLable(I)
' C.Visible = True
' C.Name = sArrayLable(I)
' C.UnboundType = DevExpress.Data.UnboundColumnType.Bound
' C.Width = 200
' C.FieldName = sArrayFields(I)
' C.OptionsColumn.AllowEdit = True
' 'GridBand1.Columns.Add(C)
' 'The Follwoing 2 lines code are the same as one line code above
' C.OwnerBand = GridBand1
' BandedGridView1.Columns.Add(C)
'GridBand1.Columns(sArrayLable(0)).OptionsColumn.AllowEdit = False

'GridMain.DataSource = DT(0)
Catch ex As Exception
Dim rethrow As Boolean = ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "PresentationPolicy")
If rethrow Then
End If
End Try
End Sub
''' Date : 25-Jan-2010
''' Purpose : Get the Data From the DataBase according to the SubSearchInfo field in the
''' [aaAAARepWizSdf] table
''' Author : Omid Aghili
''' Omid Aghili 25/01/2010 Created
'Private Sub FillGrid()
' ' Get Data From Database
' Try

' Dim SQL As String
' SQL = "Select * from aaAAARepWizSdf where qRepID = " + "'" + Trim(BtnEditReportID.Text) + "'"
' Dim DS As New DataSet
' DS = RiskkServices.CommonService.RunQuery(SQL)
' If DS.Tables.Count > 0 Then
' GridMain.DataSource = DS.Tables(0)
' End If
' Catch ex As Exception
' Dim rethrow As Boolean = ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "PresentationPolicy")
' If rethrow Then
' Throw
' End If
' End Try
'End Sub
''' Convert Array to DataTable and Set the DataSource of the Grid to the Table
''' Author: Omid Aghili
''' Starting Date: 5/2/2010
Private Sub ArrayToTable()
DSForArray = New DataSet
DTForArray = New DataTable

For i As Integer = 0 To sArrayFields.Count - 1
DTForArray.Columns(sArrayFields(i)).DataType = Type.GetType("System.String")
DTForArray.Columns(sArrayFields(5)).DataType = Type.GetType("System.Boolean")
For i As Integer = 0 To sArrayParamName.Count - 1
DRForArray = DTForArray.NewRow
DRForArray.Item(sArrayFields(0)) = sArrayParamName(i)
DRForArray.Item(sArrayFields(1)) = sArrayCaption(i)
DRForArray.Item(sArrayFields(2)) = sArrayCtlType(i)
DRForArray.Item(sArrayFields(3)) = sArrayDefValue(i)
DRForArray.Item(sArrayFields(4)) = sArraySubSearch(i)
DRForArray.Item(sArrayFields(5)) = sArrayParamVisible(i)

GridMain.DataSource = DSForArray.Tables(0)
End Sub
''' Conver the Table to the Array in order to save the changes in array
''' This Procuder is not used anymore due to the TableToSring Procuder
''' Author: Omid Aghili
''' Starting Date: 5/2/2010
Private Sub TableToArray()

For i As Integer = 0 To sArrayParamName.Count - 1
sArrayParamName(i) = Trim(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(0)))
sArrayCaption(i) = Trim(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(1)))
sArrayCtlType(i) = Trim(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(2)))
sArrayDefValue(i) = Trim(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(3)))
sArraySubSearch(i) = Trim(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(4)))
sArrayParamVisible(i) = Trim(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(5)))
End Sub
''' Conver the Array to the String in order to save the changes in Database
''' This Procuder is not used anymore due to the TableToSring Procuder
''' Author: Omid Aghili
''' Starting Date: 5/2/2010
Private Sub ArrayToString()
sCaption = ""
sCtlType = ""
sDefValue = ""
sParamName = ""
sParamVisible = ""
sSubSearch = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To sArrayParamName.Count - 1
sCaption += sArrayCaption(i) + "|"
sCtlType += sArrayCtlType(i) + "|"
sDefValue += sArrayDefValue(i) + "|"
sParamName += sArrayParamName(i) + "|"
sParamVisible += sArrayParamVisible(i) + "|"
sSubSearch += sArraySubSearch(i) + "|"
sCaption = sCaption.Remove(sCaption.LastIndexOf(CChar("|")))
sCtlType = sCtlType.Remove(sCtlType.LastIndexOf(CChar("|")))
sDefValue = sDefValue.Remove(sDefValue.LastIndexOf(CChar("|")))
sParamName = sParamName.Remove(sParamName.LastIndexOf(CChar("|")))
sParamVisible = sParamVisible.Remove(sParamVisible.LastIndexOf(CChar("|")))
sSubSearch = sSubSearch.Remove(sSubSearch.LastIndexOf(CChar("|")))
End Sub
Private Sub FormRRWizard_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
TxtEditReportDes.Properties.ReadOnly = True
End Sub
''' Save the changes which are made by the user or create a new record in the database
''' Author: Omid Aghili
''' Starting Date: 5/2/2010
Private Sub BtnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnSave.Click

If TxtEditReportDes.Properties.ReadOnly = True Then

RiskkServices.RadarReportService.UpdateReportWizardRecord(sCaption, sCtlType, sDefValue, sParamName, _
sSubSearch, sParamVisible, DateTime.Now, _
SecuityManager.CurrentUser.U_LogonName, _
MsgBox("The " & DR.RepDesc & " is Updated.", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Update")
flag = False
If Not (String.IsNullOrEmpty(CmbRptID.Text) Or _
String.IsNullOrEmpty(TxtEditReportDes.Text) Or _
String.IsNullOrEmpty(TxtEditReportPath.Text) Or _
String.IsNullOrEmpty(sCtlType) Or _
String.IsNullOrEmpty(sDefValue) Or _
String.IsNullOrEmpty(sParamVisible) Or _
String.IsNullOrEmpty(sSubSearch) Or _
String.IsNullOrEmpty(sParamName) Or _
String.IsNullOrEmpty(sCaption)) Then

sRptPath = Trim(TxtEditReportPath.Text)
sRptDescription = Trim(TxtEditReportDes.Text)
sRptID = Trim(CmbRptID.Text)

DT = New RS_RadarReport.dsSDFGeneral.aaAAARepWizSdfDataTable

DT = RiskkServices.RadarReportService.GetReportWizardRecord(sRptID)

If DT.Count <> 0 Then
MsgBox("The " & sRptDescription & " is exist in database.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "error")

'RiskkServices.RadarReportService.UpdateReportWizardRecord(sCaption, sCtlType, sDefValue, sParamName, _
' sSubSearch, sParamVisible, DateTime.Now, _
' SecuityManager.CurrentUser.U_LogonName, _
' DR.qRepID)
RiskkServices.RadarReportService.InsertReportWizardRecord(sRptID, sRptDescription, _
sCaption, sCtlType, sDefValue, sParamName, sRptPath, sSubSearch, _
sParamVisible, DateTime.Now, SecuityManager.CurrentUser.U_LogonName)
MsgBox("The " & sRptDescription & " is Inserted.", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Insert")

BtnSave.Enabled = False
End If


MsgBox("Please Enter the necessary information.")
End If

End If

End Sub
''' Enable User to select the Report file and add a record to the Database
''' Author: Omid Aghili
''' Starting Date: 8/2/2010
Private Sub BtnNew_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnNew.Click
BtnEditReportPath.Visible = True
BtnEditReportPath.Text = ""
TxtEditReportPath.Text = ""
TxtEditReportDes.Properties.ReadOnly = False
TxtEditReportDes.Text = ""
CmbRptID.Text = ""
LblUpdateBy.Text = ""
LblUpdateDate.Text = ""
LblUpdateTime.Text = ""
If DTForArray IsNot Nothing Then
End If
BtnSave.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub BtnEditReportPath_ButtonClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ButtonPressedEventArgs) Handles BtnEditReportPath.ButtonClick
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
BtnEditReportPath.Text = OpenFileDialog1.SafeFileName
TxtEditReportPath.Text = OpenFileDialog1.SafeFileName
'CmbRptID.Text = ""
'TxtEditReportDes.Text = ""
BtnSave.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
''' Convert the information in Datatable to the String in order to save to the DataBase
''' Author: Omid Aghili
''' Starting Date: 8/2/2010
Private Sub TableToString()
sCaption = ""
sCtlType = ""
sDefValue = ""
sParamName = ""
sParamVisible = ""
sSubSearch = ""

For i As Integer = 0 To DTForArray.Rows.Count - 1

If IsDBNull(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(1))) Then
sCaption += "|"
sCaption += Trim(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(1))) + "|"

End If

If IsDBNull(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(2))) Then
sCtlType += "|"
sCtlType += Trim(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(2))) + "|"

End If

If IsDBNull(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(3))) Then
sDefValue += "|"
sDefValue += Trim(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(3))) + "|"
End If

If IsDBNull(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(4))) Then
sSubSearch += "|"
sSubSearch += Trim(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(4))) + "|"
End If

If IsDBNull(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(5))) Then
sParamVisible += "False" & "|"
sParamVisible += Trim(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(5))) + "|"
End If

If IsDBNull(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(0))) Then
sParamName += "|"
sParamName += Trim(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(0))) + "|"
End If
'sCaption += Trim(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(1))) + "|"
'sCtlType += Trim(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(2))) + "|"
'sDefValue += Trim(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(3))) + "|"
'sParamName += Trim(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(0))) + "|"
'sParamVisible += Trim(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(5))) + "|"
'sSubSearch += Trim(DTForArray.Rows(i).Item(sArrayFields(4))) + "|"

sCaption = sCaption.Remove(sCaption.LastIndexOf(CChar("|")))
sCtlType = sCtlType.Remove(sCtlType.LastIndexOf(CChar("|")))
sDefValue = sDefValue.Remove(sDefValue.LastIndexOf(CChar("|")))
sParamName = sParamName.Remove(sParamName.LastIndexOf(CChar("|")))
sParamVisible = sParamVisible.Remove(sParamVisible.LastIndexOf(CChar("|")))
sSubSearch = sSubSearch.Remove(sSubSearch.LastIndexOf(CChar("|")))

End Sub
''' Get the Parameter filed after selecting the Report File by the User.
''' Author: Omid Aghili
''' Starting Date: 8/2/2010
Private Sub GetParamName()

Dim reportDocument As New ReportDocument
'Dim path As String = "\\\R&D FoldeR\Report\" & BtnEditReportPath.Text
Dim path As String = "C:\Report\" & BtnEditReportPath.Text
Dim parameterField As ParameterField
DSForArray = New DataSet
DTForArray = New DataTable

If File.Exists(path) Then
Throw New Exception("Erorr! The Report Not Exists.")
End If

For i As Integer = 0 To sArrayFields.Count - 1
DTForArray.Columns(sArrayFields(i)).DataType = Type.GetType("System.String")
DTForArray.Columns(sArrayFields(5)).DataType = Type.GetType("System.Boolean")

For Each parameterField In reportDocument.ParameterFields

DRForArray = DTForArray.NewRow
DRForArray.Item(sArrayFields(0)) = parameterField.Name
DRForArray.Item(sArrayFields(1)) = parameterField.Name

GridMain.DataSource = DSForArray.Tables(0)

End Sub

''' Get The Report List
''' Pass In - Report ID
''' Pass In - Top String
''' Omid Aghili - 10/2/2010 Created
Private Sub LoadRepWizardLookUp(ByVal qRepID As String, ByVal v_strTop As String)
Dim DT As New RS_RadarReport.dsSDFGeneral.paaAAARepWizLookUpDataTable
DT = RiskkServices.RadarReportService.GetRepWizardLookUp(qRepID, v_strTop)
If DT.Rows.Count > 0 Then
CmbRptID.Properties.DataSource = Nothing
CmbRptID.Properties.Columns.Add( _
New DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.LookUpColumnInfo( _
"qRepID", 225, "Report ID"))
CmbRptID.Properties.Columns.Add( _
New DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.LookUpColumnInfo( _
"RepDesc", 225, "Report Description"))
CmbRptID.Properties.DisplayMember = "qRepID"
CmbRptID.Properties.ValueMember = "RepDesc"
CmbRptID.Properties.DataSource = DT
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Dim rethrow As Boolean = ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "PresentationPolicy")
If rethrow Then
End If
End Try
End Sub

Private Sub CmbRptID_ButtonPressed(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ButtonPressedEventArgs) Handles CmbRptID.ButtonPressed

'CmbRptID.Text = ""
'TxtEditReportDes.Text = ""
If e.Button.Kind = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ButtonPredefines.Ellipsis Then
LoadRepWizardLookUp("%%", "")

End If
BtnEditReportPath.Visible = False
Catch ex As Exception
Dim rethrow As Boolean = ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "PresentationPolicy")
If rethrow Then
End If
End Try
End Sub

Private Sub CmbRptID_ProcessNewValue(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ProcessNewValueEventArgs) Handles CmbRptID.ProcessNewValue
If BtnEditReportPath.Visible = True Then
If CmbRptID.Text <> Nothing Then
LoadRepWizardLookUp(CmbRptID.Text, "TOP")
End If
End If

Catch ex As Exception
Dim rethrow As Boolean = ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "PresentationPolicy")
If rethrow Then
End If
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub CmbRptID_EditValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CmbRptID.EditValueChanged
If BtnEditReportPath.Visible = False Then

BtnEditReportPath.Visible = True
TxtEditReportDes.Text = sRptDescription
LbSubTitle.Text = sRptDescription
TxtEditReportPath.Text = sRptPath
BtnEditReportPath.Text = sRptPath
LblUpdateDate.Text = DR.KeyInDate.ToLongDateString
LblUpdateTime.Text = DR.KeyInDate.ToLongTimeString
LblUpdateBy.Text = DR.KeyInBy

BtnSave.Enabled = True
End If

End Sub

Private Sub GridMain_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridMain.Click

End Sub

Private Sub TxtEditReportDes_EditValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TxtEditReportDes.EditValueChanged

End Sub

End Class
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