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[英文]Ashley Tisdale【Guilty Pleasure】 關閉[複製鏈接]

dear_cady 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-7-20 12:13 PM|只看該作者|倒序瀏覽
本帖最後由 dear_cady 於 2009-7-20 12:17 PM 編輯

【專輯名稱】 Guilty Pleasure
【歌手名稱】 Ashley Tisdale
【專輯語言】 英文
【發行日期】 2009-06
加收艾希莉為自己主演的電影【Aliens In The Attic】所演唱的主題曲「Switch」等兩首作品!

在紐澤西長大的艾希莉,8歲就對表演著迷,並在百老匯音樂劇【悲慘世界】全美巡迴演中擔綱主角,而早期在舞台上的演唱歷練,亦讓她對音樂產生熱情。2004年,艾希莉在迪士尼頻道【小查與寇弟的頂級生活】戲劇中擔任要角演出,隨後也獲得了【歌舞青春】夏培一角的演出機會,在片中艾希莉展現了歌唱、舞蹈與戲劇才華,她的唱作風采也為其歌唱夢想跨出漂亮的第一步,展現亮眼的歌唱能量,成為少數同時以出道的首兩支單曲攻佔全美熱門單曲榜的女歌手。之後艾希莉隨著【歌舞青春2、3】的超人氣,個人聲勢也跟著水漲船高,2007年獲Teen People雜誌「25歲以下25大人氣明星之一」、近期也名列2009年MTV音樂電影大獎「表現最有突破性女星」的提名之中。

回顧2007年,艾希莉在華納廠牌旗下發行的首張個人專輯“Headstrong”照亮流行音樂界,創造有如當年同樣是流行音樂界大受歡迎的布蘭妮、克莉絲汀等女歌手的氣勢,艾希莉更是能演、能寫、能唱、能跳的全方位藝人,成為全球數百萬年輕新世代影歌迷的青春偶像,首張專輯“Headstrong”成功空降美國告示牌專輯榜No. 5,單曲「He Said She Said」也成為記憶度最高也最琅琅上口的代表作品、專輯得到金唱片認證,全球也累積達兩百萬張的銷售佳績。隨著【歌舞青春3】的拍攝結束之後,艾希莉全力衝刺進行第二張錄音室專輯“Guilty Pleasure”的錄音工作,並親自投入擔任此張專輯的創作與監製,廣邀Tommy Page、Kara DioGuardi、Billy Steinberg、Twin、Toby Gad、RedOne、Emanuel Kiriakou、The Matrix等打造過瑪丹娜、凱莉米洛、陽光大衛、菲姬、艾薇兒、女神卡卡等歌手的超重量級詞曲製作人共同參與。

從性感的專輯封面便可以看出,艾希莉成功跳脫過去給人甜美可人的既定印象,挑戰更成熟亮眼、自主的鮮明色彩,“Guilty Pleasure”在音樂風格上也比首張專輯要來的更搖滾、更新潮,率先推出的首支單曲「It’s Alright, It’s OK」以流行搖滾的曲式包裹,讓艾希莉唱出女孩子應有的感情率性,「How Do You Love Someone」道出了艾希莉面臨雙親離異的感想,歌迷也可在「Acting Out」、「Me Without You」、「Overrated」、「What If」等歌曲中見識到艾希莉的創作才華,艾希莉本人也表示,在這張全新的專輯中,歌迷們更可以貼近她的內心世界與想法。同時加收艾希莉為自己主演的電影【Aliens In The Attic】所演唱的主題曲「Switch」等兩首作品!
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dear_cady 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-7-20 12:18 PM|只看該作者
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01 Acting Out

Up above the surface
I was just the perfect child
But underneath it all
I was craven to be wild
Don't you judge by the cover
It's so far from what you see
I'm losing all my patient
Waiting on to believe
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dear_cady 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-7-20 12:19 PM|只看該作者
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02 It's alright It's OK

You told me,theres no need
to talk it out cause its to late
to proceed and slowly
I took your words and walke away

No looking back
I won't regret,no
I will find my way
I'm broken but still I have to say

It's alright ok
I'm so much better without you
I won't be sorry
Alright Ok
So don't you bother what I do
No matter what you say
I won't return
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dear_cady 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-7-20 12:20 PM|只看該作者
03 Masquerade

Risk taker
Dream maker
Heart breaker
Earth Quaker
I can be anything that you want me too

Core fender
Mind bender
Jet sweater
Go better
Changing my apparel for anything you choose

I don't mind trying on my disguise
It makes me happy

Here's my formal invitation
You and me go masquerading
Lose ourselves in this charading
Is this love were imitating?
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dear_cady 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-7-20 12:21 PM|只看該作者
04 Overrated

Yeah, oh
I passed my reflection, It's someone else
I see your invention and not myself
I turned into your perfect girl, a total stranger
Now I see and I don't want to

Be you and it's all just an act
And it's overrated
The truth is I'm wanting me back
Cause I can't take this
I gotta be who I am underneath
Who I gave up so you'll believe
Me and you and it's all just an act
It's overrated, so overrated
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dear_cady 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-7-20 12:22 PM|只看該作者
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05 Hot Mess

I'm a mess when it comes to you
I've got no inhibitions whatsoever it's true
I'm not the kinda girl who hangs around like this
Caught up in a kiss, best friends with benefits
No, but you're so racy, you're my favorite guy
So unruly, so uncivilized
Cupid got me right between my eyes
You know you got it real bad
Doing things you never did

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
You wake up and you put on all your make up
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dear_cady 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-7-20 12:23 PM|只看該作者
06 How Do You Love Someone

Momma never told me how to love,
Daddy never told me how to feel,
Momma never told me how to touch,
Daddy never showed me how to heal

Momma never set a good example,
Daddy never held mommas hand
Momma found everything hard to handle,
Daddy never stood up like a man

I’ve walked alone, broken, emotionally frozen,
Getting it on, getting it wrong

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dear_cady 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-7-20 12:24 PM|只看該作者
07 Tell Me Lies

It's in your eyes, feelings can't be disguised
Cause the truth makes me want you to tell me lies
My biggest fear is crying oceans of tears
I would rather you not be so sincere

How cold could you be?
What would you do if you were me?
I'm better off if it's a mystery

Cause I don't wanna know
If I kissed your lips for the last time
Please don't say if it's so
Tell my heart it's not goodbye
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dear_cady 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-7-20 12:24 PM|只看該作者
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08 What If

Don't let go don't give up there's always time for you and me to make things better that what you say to me but baby our time is gone you let me waiting in the cold you let die this love and I asking

What if you would set me free would save em' from myself? would you love me forever? or would this never end? what if this love would never run away what if I would never let go? would you save me?

I move on this ashes in the road are gone is everything in the past yes I know our love was strong but I guess we are not strong anymore was a mistake? or was just a dream? but baby I guess that this is what we meant to be
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dear_cady 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-7-20 12:25 PM|只看該作者
09 Erase And Rewind

I don't wanna feel like this
I don't want to, i don't want to
I don't wanna freak you out
But I

I think I might have said to much
Didn't mean to, Didn't mean to
Think I might have said It's you and I

Guess I should leave this behind
Guess I should Erase & Rewind
Some how I can't seem to stay away
I don't want to sound desperate
But I'm so saying that you'll come around
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dear_cady 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-7-20 12:26 PM|只看該作者
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10 Hair

I'm in disarray, I'm unkempt
And I love the sugar
Yeah this is what you do
When you run your fingers through my hair
In the morning I'm feeling like a sexy superstar

Why, why did you rock my party
Wanna make me say (hey)
You're the only one
That keeps me singing, la, la, la
I love to smell your t-shirt
I like the way you are
But most of all I like it, like it

I like what you do to my hair
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dear_cady 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-7-20 12:26 PM|只看該作者
11 Delete You

It's not time to
Give us one more try (I don't think so)
Last night you
Said your one last lie

I can't let you wreck my plans
I'm planning to let you go
Oh, only one thing is true
Only one thing to do

Time to, delete you
Burning up, all your pictures
Tearing up, all your letters
Ripping up, all your sweaters
This is, this is for the better
Slashing up, all your tires
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dear_cady 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-7-20 12:27 PM|只看該作者
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12 Me Without You

It's just you and me
And there's no one around
Feel like I'm hanging by a thread
It's a long way down
I've been trying to breathe
But I'm fighting for air
I'm at an all time low
With no place to go
But you're always there

When everything falls apart
And it seems like the world
Is crashing at my feet
You like me the best
When I'm a mess
When I'm my own worst enemy
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dear_cady 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-7-20 12:27 PM|只看該作者
13 Crank It Up

Th-Th-This beat is hypnotic
I wanna ride like a shofa
The sound of zonic's
Controlling me just like a rova
I go bionic, so D-D-DJ put it on
I'm losing logic and cruising deeper in the zone

[Sean Garrett:]
It's so cinematic

[Sean + Ashley:]
G-Got me froze up

[Sean Garrett:]
This psychopathic
Beat is something

[Sean + Ashley:]
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dear_cady 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-7-20 12:28 PM|只看該作者
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14 Switch

(Switch it, Switch it)
You're out of this world I'm sure of it
A crazy intuition
You're up and on, you're here than gone, come back
A curious condition
And then you switch right over
It's weird, yeah I know but
Just can't get a hold of myself

Hey, so strange
You switched right in front of me
Hey, you've changed
Not like you used to be
Cause you get in my head and hold my heart
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