補充內容 (2014-4-24 04:27 PM):
那個黨訂的?從表決記錄所見之結果,大致就是藍綠對決,由於泛藍陣營人數大於泛綠陣營,沒有任何條文表決是由泛綠陣營獲勝…(套句某黨名嘴的話…當絕對多數黨明示暗示「MY WAY OR NO WAY,大家會選妥協還是讓公投法胎死腹中?!)
That's too ridiculous.
No justice in Taiwan.
The law in Taiwan is enacted for politicians.
It's convenient for them to control anything.
Officials use it against public opinion.
The referendum sucks!!
It's unfair to announce the opinions of civilians.
Legislators have to reenact the bill.作者: dilys0221 時間: 2014-4-24 11:45 PM