Pros and cons of high impedance headphones:
Headphone impedance is usually increased by thinner wire and most importantly more turns of wire in the voice coil. More turns or loops creates a larger field (area of magnetic influence). In layman's terms more magnetic force for the coil to move the diaphragm. Thinner wire usually works out to a lighter, more responsive diaphragm. Depending on the headphone design, this may lead to more accurate response.
The displacement (amount of movement) of the diaphragm (the part that vibrates to produce sound) can be better controlled via a more accurate flux (magnetic field to pull and push the diaphragm).
Difficult to drive for small headphone amps with low output voltage and low gain.
Most high impedance headphones need an amplifier with higher voltage gain and higher output voltage, e.g. the 600 ohm Beyer DT770/880/990 series.
Allow Solid State Op Amps to work more efficiently with less distortion. Have a look at Op Amp data sheets and a graph of distortion vs. output impedance for most audio Op-Amps and you'll get the idea. This is a very complex subject, but most Op Amps are designed to output (typically) up to 10 Volts into 600 ohm loads or higher.
beyerdynamic 這類開背式設計,除了直接發聲的單體外,一部分低頻段的量感、延伸是靠被動發聲的結構補足,腔體結構、單體旁那圈障版雙層結構的耳罩……等,需要一段時間讓各種材料的特性磨合、穩定下來。這種設計很接近今日我們常常講的低音反射式喇叭,其實是低音反射構造的一種變化、特化形式。
優點是高效率,單體的負擔較為輕鬆,亦能有足夠的低頻量感、下潛。缺點是整個發聲系統的變數太多,需要磨合期讓系統的各項因子趨於穩定,這就是俗稱的 Burn-in。原因是特定材料的性能,剛開始往往過於緊緻,反應在聆聽上則是三頻各行其是、頻段間的銜接不良,一段時間之後才會進入正常狀態。
beyerdynamic 的解決方案就是以腔體基本封閉,以開鑿低音反射孔的結構為前提,儘可能地簡化結構,連反射管都沒有,Ultrasone 則保留了「低音導管」的形式。
DT880、DT990、T1 都是「開背式」耳機,也是俗稱的開放式耳機,其原理並不是架構在單體裝箱的前提,而是把單體鑲在一面障版上。Sennheiser 稱為 Open-air,beyerdynamic 稱為 Semi-open,AKG 稱為 Open-back,指的正是同一件事。
這類結構用在耳機上,有兩項優點,其一是讓單體的背波能順利擴散出去,不會在腔體內相互反射 ; 其二是沒有完全隔絕外在的環境音,聽感自然且開放。
以最普通的軟半球單體而言,音圈內的振膜區域,失真成份通常比較低,音圈外的振膜區域失真成份通常比較高,beyerdynamic 則透過腔體結構安排,讓音圈內失真比較低的振膜背後的聲波透出去。
當然實際情況不是那麼簡單,設計的時候,甚至要為不同區域的振膜作配重,AKG 的異厚振膜、DT770 / DT880 / DT990 的瘤狀紋理振膜、T1 的氣泡狀振膜,目的其實差不多,採用的方法不同而已。
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