
標題: [Philippines issues fresh apology for death of Taiwan fisherman after Taipei rec [打印本頁]

作者: celeron2012    時間: 2013-5-17 09:57 AM     標題: [Philippines issues fresh apology for death of Taiwan fisherman after Taipei rec

                        TAIPEI, Taiwan –  The Philippine president on Wednesday apologized to Taiwan for the fatal shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman by Philippine coast guard personnel, after Taiwan rejected an earlier Philippine apology and started retaliating diplomatically.
              Last week's shooting in waters both sides claim has focused renewed attention on territorial disputes involving multiple nations —  including China  —  in and around the South China Sea, which have turned the area into one of the region's most tense.
              The apology from President Benigno Aquino III came less than a day after Taiwan rejected an expression of regret by the Philippines envoy to the island over the incident. Taiwan announced it was instituting a hiring freeze on Philippine workers, recalling its envoy to Manila and discouraging travel to the Southeast Asian nation.
              Hours later, Philippine presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said Aquino was sending his personal representative to Taipei with an apology letter.
              The representative "will convey his and the Filipino people's deep regret and apology to the family of Mr. Hung Shi-chen (洪石成) as well as to the people of Taiwan over the unfortunate and unintended loss of life."(翻譯:該代表"將會表達他與菲國人民對洪石成先生與其家屬並對所有台灣人民對於這不幸與意外的生命損失感到深沉的惋惜與欠意.")
              Hung is the 65-year-old fisherman killed last Thursday after Philippines coast guard personnel opened fire on his fishing vessel in the Bashi Strait, between the northern Philippines and southern Taiwan.
              The Philippines acknowledged that its coast guard personnel were responsible, but said they were acting in self-defense because the Taiwanese fishing vessel was about the ram a Philippine ship carrying coast guard personnel. (翻譯: 菲律賓承認這是屬於海巡人員的責任, 但是他們是出於自衛的情況下因為台灣魚船當時將要撞上菲律賓海巡人員的船隻)
              There was no immediate response from to Taiwan to the new apology.
              Earlier, Premier Jiang Yi-huah said Taiwan was displeased with an apology delivered by the Philippine representative office in Taipei, saying its phrasing reflected a desire by the Philippines government to distance itself from the affair.
              Jiang also professed unhappiness with the source of compensation money the family of the fisherman will receive —  the Filipino people rather than the Philippines government itself.
              "The shooting was conducted by one of its civil servants, and its government could not evade the responsibility," Jiang said, adding that Taiwan wants to be informed about whether the guilty party or parties will be charged, jailed or dismissed.
              Jiang also confirmed that a previously scheduled military exercise involving the coast guard, the navy and the air force will go ahead Thursday in the Bashi Strait, in the general area where the Taiwanese fishing vessel was fired on.
              Late Wednesday, the defense ministry said a Taiwanese F-16 crashed into the sea off the western coast of Taiwan, adding that the pilot was rescued. Taiwanese media reports said the aircraft was flying south to join the military exercise.
              China has tried to make common cause with Taiwan on the fisherman's death, part of its efforts to emphasize its claims of sovereignty over the island of 23 million people. Taiwan has so far resisted those attempts. The two split amid civil war in 1949.
              On Wednesday the spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council in Beijing repeated the mainland's condemnation of the Philippines' handling of the incident.
              "It is the shared responsibility of both the mainland and Taiwan to safeguard the interests of compatriots across the strait," said Yang Yi. "We have urged Philippines to investigate the incident, punish the murderer and give a satisfactory explanation to the victims."

Read more:  http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/05/15/philippines-issues-fresh-apology-for-death-taiwan-fisherman-after-taipei/#ixzz2TVX8ct6p

跟據這篇報導 菲律賓已經將該開槍擊掃射行為定調為該國海巡人員正當的自我防衛 所以才有所謂的"不幸與意外" (deep regret and appology ... over the unfortunate and unintended loss of life)

我國司法人員就算是到菲國"協助"調查 就算是找到無可否認的證據 在菲國法庭上最後也會是無疾而終

這事件大概最後會在美國強力干預下 無疾而終或是做出不痛不癢的象徵性處罰
台灣若在這四項要求上不咬死並提出更強有力的做為 那東亞軟柿子的名號 就當定了

在國際宣傳上 目前對於這次開槍擊掃射行為的所有的言論 與 對行為的定調 到目前為止掌握在菲律賓人的手上

一 菲國官方語言為英語 對目前最大的國際媒體來說容易了解 無須經過翻譯人員的解說
二 我國官員用字太過溫和 留下很多可以"自由發揮"的翻譯空間 況且在對國際媒體的發言時亦未將我方對整起事件的情況做詳細與客觀的解說

作者: br031864    時間: 2013-5-17 10:42 AM

作者: right    時間: 2013-5-17 10:49 AM

作者: 51168    時間: 2013-5-17 10:55 AM

本帖最後由 51168 於 2013-5-17 10:55 AM 編輯

被看衰的最大原因是 ---


作者: hhoe876181    時間: 2013-5-17 10:55 AM

作者: celeron2012    時間: 2013-5-17 11:59 AM

這件事 大陸決對 會出來管 不論是明的或是暗的來

從旅居國外的僑民的角度看來  外交休兵的策略是完全正確 廣大興事件跟外交休兵是八竿子打不著的

廣大興事件 存粹反應了台灣在護魚上長期 已來(自李登輝時期至今) 缺乏歸劃 與官僚的腐敗 冰凍三尺 非一日之寒 把所有的錯歸咎於 "水母"馬 說真的不太公平.

現階段菲國決不會談判 那就由我方借此機會 單方面定訂遊戲歸則 劃界限 那才是王道 與此同時若是我國海巡艦能扣押一艘菲國非法魚船並 起訴 罰款 那才真的是大快人心

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