Manufacturer breaks cover and comments on recent security breaches;
network updates planned.
藉由網路更新來增強主機的安全性。(退守到 PSN防線就是了)
Sony has at last broken silence on recent developments which have seen
its PlayStation 3's security measures completely defeated.
$QNY在其 PS3主機的安全措施徹底被破解後,沈寂了多日終於打破沉默,決定回
The firm has remained resolutely tight-lipped since news broke that a
hacking group named fail0verflow had gained full control over the
system, after reverse engineering the code used to sign authorised
software as genuine.
Shortly afterwards iPhone hacker George "GeoHot" Hotz published the
console's "root key" online, enabling homebrew developers to create
and sign their own apps. Blu-Ray and PSP root keys have also since
been found buried within the PS3 and released online.
知名iPhone破解者George Hotz 將主機的「管理員金鑰」在網路上公開後,一夕
之間讓所有的自製軟體作者可以將自己的作品簽證成合法的程式,藍光與 PSP的
"We are aware of this, and are currently looking into it," Sony told
us in a brief statement. "We will fix the issues through network
updates, but because this is a security issue, we are not able to
provide you with any more details."
Sony's response is at odds with comments given to the BBC yesterday
by fail0verflow member pytey, who said: "The complete console is
compromised – there is no way back."
在 BBC昨日與fail0verflow團隊成員之一的pytey 訪談當中,pytey 提到$QNY的
"The only way to fix this is to issue new hardware. Sony will have to
accept this."
Both fail0verflow and GeoHot are staunchly anti-piracy, and have not
released any tools that directly enable the playing of copied games,
but it is widely expected that piracy will soon be rife on what was,
until very recently, considered to be the most secure console ever
開始延燒,延燒在這個一度被視為是全世界最安全的平台上。作者: a1022yeh 時間: 2011-1-17 01:37 PM
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽作者: silo 時間: 2011-1-18 12:23 AM