綜合美聯社、《紐約時報》(New York Times)、美國國家廣播公司波士頓地方台(NBC Boston)報導,美國聯邦檢察官昨日宣布起訴哈佛醫學院太平間55歲經理羅吉(Cedric Lodge)及其63歲妻子丹妮絲(Denise Lodge),夫妻倆被控於2018至2023年間盜賣死者捐贈給哈佛醫學院作為研究、教學的遺體及器官。
DETAILS: Investigators say Cedric Lodge stole human remains meant for research from Harvard Medical School where he worked and sold them to Kat MacLean, who then kept them at her business Kat's Creepy Creations and resold some to Jeremy Pauley of PA pictured below. #WBZ pic.twitter.com/BnpXtElizt