
標題: 超洗腦兒歌 Baby Shark 對孩童好處多多 The Benefits of “Baby Shark” [打印本頁]

作者: liu456    時間: 2023-4-3 12:41 PM     標題: 超洗腦兒歌 Baby Shark 對孩童好處多多 The Benefits of “Baby Shark”

超洗腦兒歌 Baby Shark 對孩童好處多多 The Benefits of “Baby Shark”
The Benefits of “Baby Shark”
#文意選填 #音樂歌曲 #心理
4/3 解析英語
作者 Angus Bain
閱讀時間 6分鐘
聽講解 聽朗讀
超洗腦兒歌 Baby Shark 對孩童好處多多 The Benefits of “Baby Shark”
〈鯊魚寶寶〉所包含的音樂重複性及肢體活動並不是唯 一的優點。

目錄 / Tips & Analysis / 中文翻譯(& 答案)
文意選填 | 

        Pinkfong, a South Korean children’s educational brand, released its version of the children’s song “Baby Shark” on YouTube in 2016. It probably had no idea how __1__ the song would ultimately become. By January 2022, it had surpassed 10 billion __2__, making it the most-watched video on the platform. While many people consider “Baby Shark” to be __3__, experts in children’s development claim the song is actually very beneficial for toddlers.

        According to these experts, there are a number of reasons why children love the song “Baby Shark.” First and foremost, the __4__ is very catchy, with simple and repetitive lyrics. This makes it relatively easy for toddlers as young as two or three years old to learn the song and sing along since it does not take much to remember the words: “Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo.” In addition, the video __5__ two young children making hand motions in front of an eye-catching, animated background. Kids become even more engaged in the song by __6__ the hand gestures and body movements they see on the screen. Child development researchers say that the __7__ of all these elements makes for the perfect children’s song.

        The musical repetition and physical activities involved in “Baby Shark” are not the only advantages. On top of that, the song takes children on an exciting __8__ with a complete story from beginning to end. The fact that the characters in the story are baby shark, mommy shark, daddy shark, grandma shark, and grandpa shark makes them __9__ to most children. After all, their main __10__ at such a young age are their family members. It seems that “Baby Shark” is indeed a perfect song for kids, as its widespread popularity suggests.

(A) copying (B) influences (C) relatable (D) tune (E) views

(F) combination (G) annoying (H) adventure ( I ) successful (J) features

答案: 1.I 2.E 3.G 4.D 5.J 6.A 7.F 8.H 9.C 10.B

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        Pinkfong, a South Korean children’s educational brand, released its version of the children’s song “Baby Shark” on YouTube in 2016. It probably had no idea how successful the song would ultimately become. By January 2022, it had surpassed 10 billion views, making it the most-watched video on the platform. While many people consider “Baby Shark” to be annoying, experts in children’s development claim the song is actually very beneficial for toddlers.

        According to these experts, there are a number of reasons why children love the song “Baby Shark.” First and foremost, the tune is very catchy, with simple and repetitive lyrics. This makes it relatively easy for toddlers as young as two or three years old to learn the song and sing along since it does not take much to remember the words: “Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo.” In addition, the video features two young children making hand motions in front of an eye-catching, animated background. Kids become even more engaged in the song by copying the hand gestures and body movements they see on the screen. Child development researchers say that the combination of all these elements makes for the perfect children’s song.

        The musical repetition and physical activities involved in “Baby Shark” are not the only advantages. On top of that, the song takes children on an exciting adventure with a complete story from beginning to end. The fact that the characters in the story are baby shark, mommy shark, daddy shark, grandma shark, and grandpa shark makes them relatable to most children. After all, their main influences at such a young age are their family members. It seems that “Baby Shark” is indeed a perfect song for kids, as its widespread popularity suggests.

Words in Use

physical [ˋfɪzɪk!]

a. 身體的,生理的;物理的
n. 健康檢查

gesture [ˋdʒɛstʃɚ]

n. 手勢;表示
vi. 做手勢

widespread [ˋwaɪd͵sprɛd]

a. 普遍的;廣泛的

version [ˋvɝʒən]

n. 譯本;版本;(文藝作品的)改編形式

repetitive [rɪˋpɛtɪtɪv]

a. (工作、動作等以乏味方式)重複的

popularity [͵pɑpjəˋlærətɪ]

n. 聲望;普及,流行

beneficial [͵bɛnəˋfɪʃəl]

a. 有益的

animated [ˋænə͵metɪd]

a. 生動的;動畫的

background [ˋbæk͵graʊnd]

n. 背景

benefit [ˋbɛnəfɪt]

n. 利益
vt. 有益於
vi. 獲益(與介詞 from 並用)

element [ˋɛləmənt]

n. 要素

release [rɪˋlis]

vt. & n. 釋出,釋放(= let go of);發行,發布

surpass [sɚˋpæs]

vt. . 超越

relatively [ˋrɛlətɪvlɪ]

adv. 相對地,蠻

catchy [ˋkætʃɪ]
adj. (曲調等)動聽而易記的

lyric [ˋlɪrɪk]
n. 歌詞(恆用複數)

ultimately [ˋʌltəmɪtlɪ]

adv. 最終,最後

a. 最多觀看的

toddler [ˋtɑdlɚ]
n. 學步的小孩
Practical Phrases

become / be engaged in... 投入/從事⋯⋯
Elaine has been engaged in charity work for several years.

first and foremost 首要的是;首先
There are many ways to stay healthy. First and foremost, you should have a balanced diet.

make for... 使⋯⋯變得可能
Travel guide apps make for smooth sailing when someone visits a new place.

on top of that 除此之外
Tips & Analysis

1. It probably had no idea how successful the song would ultimately become.


a. 空格位於 how 引導的子句中,前有副詞 how,後 有主詞 the song(這首歌),故知空格應置入形容 詞以修飾 the song。

b.選項中有 (C) relatable、(G) annoying 及 (I) successful 符合條件,空格前一句說明 Pinkfong 於 2016 年在 YouTube 上傳了自己版本的〈鯊魚寶寶〉,而後一句提到這首歌成為該平臺上最多觀 看的影片,可知 Pinkfong 上傳該影片時大概沒想 到這首歌最後會變得多「成功」,故答案應選(I)。

2. By January 2022, it had surpassed 10 billion views, making it the most-watched video on the platform.


a. 空格前有數字 10 billion(一百億),故知空格應置 入複數名詞。

b. 選項中有 (B) influences、(E) views 及 (J) features 符合條件,本句後半提到某個狀況讓〈鯊 魚寶寶〉這首歌成為 YouTube 上觀最多觀看的影 片,可知這首歌的「觀看次數」超過了一百億,故 答案應選 (E)。

3. While many people consider “Baby Shark” to be annoying, experts in children’s development claim the song is actually very beneficial for toddlers.


a. 空格前有原形 be 動詞,故知空格應置入形容詞、 分詞或名詞。

b. 剩餘選項選項皆符合條件,本句以轉折詞 While (雖然)開頭,可知逗號前後句子的情況應為相 反,根據語意,雖然很多人覺得〈鯊魚寶寶〉很 「惱人」,兒童發展的專家卻宣稱這首歌其實對學 步兒大有裨益,故答案應選 (G) annoying。

4. First and foremost, the tune is very catchy, with simple and repetitive lyrics.


a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,而空格後有 be 動詞的單數 形 is,故知空格應置入單數名詞。

b. 選項中有 (D) tune、(F) combination 及 (H) adventure 符合條件,本句說明了兒童為何會喜歡 〈鯊魚寶寶〉,首先,這首歌「旋律」朗朗上口, 且有著簡單又重複的歌詞,故答案應選 (D)。

5. In addition, the video features two young children making hand motions in front of an eye-catching, animated background.


a. 空格前有名詞詞組 the video(這部影片),而空 格後亦有名詞詞組 two young children making hand motions(兩個做手部動作的小孩子),故知 空格應置入第三人稱單數及物動詞。

b. 選項中尚有 (B) influences 及 (J) features 符合 條件,本句後半提到兩個小孩子在吸睛的動畫背景 前做手部動作,可知這這部影片是「以」此「為特 色」,故答案應選 (J)。

6. Kids become even more engaged in the song by copying the hand gestures and body movements they see on the screen.


a. 空格前有介詞 by,而空格後有名詞詞組 the hand gestures(手勢),故知空格應置入及物動詞的動 名詞形。

b. 選項中僅剩 (A) copying 符合條件,置入後表兒童 藉由「模仿」他們在螢幕上看到的手勢和身體動作 而更投入在歌曲中,故選之。

7. Child development researchers say that the combination of all these elements makes for the perfect children’s song.


a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,而空格後有介詞 of,且由此 句的動詞 makes 可知空格應置入單數名詞。

b. 選項中尚有 (F) combination 及 (H) adventure 符合條件,本段列舉了兒童喜歡〈鯊魚寶寶〉的 原因,可知兒童發展研究人員說,前述所有要素 的「結合」造就了這首完美的兒歌,故答案應選 (F)。

8. On top of that, the song takes children on an exciting adventure with a complete story from beginning to end.


a. 空格前有不定冠詞 an 以及形容詞 exciting(刺激 的),而空格後有介詞 with,故知空格應置入單數 名詞。

b. 選項中僅剩 (H) adventure 符合條件,置入後表 〈鯊魚寶寶〉這首歌帶領孩子們進行一場刺激的 「冒險」,是個從開頭到結尾的完整故事,故選 之。

9. The fact that the characters in the story are... makes them relatable to most children.


a. 空格前有使役動詞 makes 以及代名詞 them,而 空格後有介詞 to,故知空格應置入形容詞、原形動 詞或名詞。

b. 剩餘選項皆符合條件,本句前半提到〈鯊魚寶寶〉 這首歌裡的角色是家庭成員,可知這一事實能夠讓 大部分的孩子對這些角色有「共鳴」,故答案應選 (C) relatable。

10. After all, their main influences at such a young age are their family members.


a. 空格前有所有格 their 和形容詞 main(主要 的),而空格後有介詞 at,故知空格應置入名詞 以被 main 修飾。

b. 選項中僅剩 (B) influences 符合條件,置入後表畢 竟,在年紀這麼小的時候,主要「影響他們的人」 就是家庭成員,故選之。

中文翻譯(& 答案)

南韓兒童教育品牌碰碰狐(Pinkfong)於 2016 年在 YouTube 發行了自己版本的兒歌〈鯊魚寶寶〉。它大概沒 想到這首歌最後會變得多成功。截至 2022 年一月,這首歌 的觀看次數超過了一百億,使之成為該平臺上最多觀看的影 片。雖然很多人覺得〈鯊魚寶寶〉很惱人,兒童發展的專家 卻宣稱這首歌其實對學步兒大有裨益。

根據這些專家的說法,兒童會喜歡這首〈鯊魚寶寶〉 是有一些原因的。首先,其旋律朗朗上口,且有著簡單又重 複的歌詞。對於小至兩、三歲的學步兒來說,這首歌相對容 易學會,也比較能跟著唱,因為要記得「Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo」這些字也不難。此外,這部影片是 以兩個小孩子在吸睛的動畫背景前做手部動作為特色。兒童 藉由模仿他們在螢幕上看到的手勢和身體動作而更投入在歌 曲中。兒童發展研究人員說,這些要素的結合造就了這首完 美的兒歌。

〈鯊魚寶寶〉所包含的音樂重複性及肢體活動並不是唯 一的優點。除此之外,這首歌帶領孩子們進行一場刺激的冒 險,是個從開頭到結尾的完整故事。故事裡的角色是鯊魚寶 寶、鯊魚媽媽、鯊魚爸爸、鯊魚奶奶和鯊魚爺爺,這一事實 能夠讓大部分的孩子對這些角色有共鳴。畢竟,在年紀這麼 小的時候,主要影響他們的人就是家庭成員。〈鯊魚寶寶〉 如其廣大的受歡迎程度所示,好像對孩子們來說確實是一首 完美的歌曲。

作者: peizhi    時間: 2023-4-4 09:46 AM

謝謝分享常春藤英語--The Benefits of “Baby Shark”
作者: mand    時間: 2023-4-26 09:59 AM

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