不過摩羯座最大的缺點就是對錢斤斤計較,即便面對感情,也會先從金錢方面開始考慮。想要感情長存,金錢固然能夠起到一定作用,但最關鍵的還是要看彼此是否契合,用真心對待對方,那麼這段感情或婚姻才會得到幸福。作者: k588010486 時間: 2022-10-4 06:15 AM
天秤座不是一個喜歡偷懶的人,他們喜歡付出,也不吝惜時間和汗水,可是事業運卻一直不太好。不過在這個10月,天秤座的事業有機會來到新的高峰,你的不爭不搶和辛勞付出,終於會在一個契機下被主管注意到,借此機會你還有可能成為主管眼中的紅人。 作者: ts01691117 時間: 2022-10-4 07:04 AM
TOP 2: Libra
Libra is not a lazy person, they like to give, and do not spare time and sweat, but their career has not been very lucky. But in this October, Libra's career has a chance to reach a new peak. Your non-competition and hard work will finally be noticed by the supervisor at an opportunity, and you may become the best person in the eyes of the supervisor.
But no matter what the situation is, Libra should remember to keep a good attitude, not to feel discouraged by the indifference of others, and not to be discouraged by the lack of talent, as long as you continue to work hard, keep enriching yourself, and use a positive and optimistic attitude to suppress your pessimistic thoughts, so that your future path will be brighter.作者: x00058 時間: 2022-10-4 07:56 AM