both of these two things are the worst things humanity came up with in our humanity hisotry.作者: x8691572 時間: 2021-9-2 10:55 PM
「A politician thinks about the next elections -astatesman thinks about the next generations.(政客們所作所為是為下一次選舉著想,政治家卻是為下一代著想。)」看到這句話,我們的心中是不是有一種會心的、苦澀的微笑?
美國第35任總統約翰‧甘迺迪(John F. Kennedy)在他的就職演說中呼籲全國同胞「Ask not what yourcountry will do for you, ask what you can do for yourcountry.(不要問你的國家會為你做什麼,要問你能為你的國家做什麼。)」這是何等高尚的情操;但又是何等難為的境界?
這句話用來作愛國宣導,或教育目標理念的推動是可以的;但是若用來感化政治人物,恐怕就不可行了。因為,「A statesman is a politician who placeshimself at the service of the nation; a politician is astatesman who places the nation at his service.(一個真正的政治家是把服務國家作為基本觀念的政治人物;政客則是想方設法把國家變成為他個人服務的政治人物)」。