
標題: [轉]維京復仇記 Viking Vengeance(PC@英文@MP/多空@913MB) [打印本頁]

作者: Shiren14    時間: 2021-4-12 12:53 AM     標題: [轉]維京復仇記 Viking Vengeance(PC@英文@MP/多空@913MB)

本帖最後由 Shiren14 於 2021-4-12 01:11 AM 編輯


●【遊戲名稱】:維京復仇記 Viking Vengeance




●【開發廠商】:Lowpoly Interactive                       


#《維京復仇記 Viking Vengeance》是一款以歷史虛構世界為背景的Rogue-lite地下城類ARPG游戲。你將扮演一個具有異教起源的聖堂武士,他重新發現了自己的根源,並學習使用北歐諸神的力量,以改變他的人民的命運,阻止世界毀滅。


遊戲動畫影片可參考此網址 https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/256828284/movie480_vp9.webm?t=1617234199 下載前建議先看看!

Viking Vengeance is a God-Worshiping Rogue-lite Dungeon Crawler ARPG set in a historical fiction world.
You play as a Templar with pagan origins who rediscovers his roots and learns to wield the powers of the Norse Gods in his quest to change the destiny of his people and stop Ragnarok.Worship GodsPray and bring sacrifices to Gods to Unlock Alternate Fighting Styles and blessings. Each God is unique and will come with its own set of powers and abilities. You can unlock their power by filling up your devotion bar. The more you worship them, the faster your avatar forms will levelup, but neglecting one might anger him.

眾神並不總是可靠的,但他們可以通過使用某些裝備或被動符文來提高您在戰鬥中獲得幫助的機會,這很高興。 發現神符文將解鎖化身狀態的新技能。變成諸神的化身並揮動托爾的錘子,利用洛基的惡作劇技巧或奧丁的力量壓制敵人並為人民發動復仇。《維京復仇記》有兩種不同的等級可供選擇,每種等級都有其獨特的裝備和武器。The Gods are not always reliable but they can be pleased to improve your chances of receiving their help in battle, by using certain equipment or passive runes. Discovering God Runes will unlock new Skills for avatar state. Turn into avatars of Gods and wield Thor’s hammer, use Loki's mischief skills or Odin's power to crush your enemies and wreak vengeance for your people.There are two different classes to choose from in Viking Vengeance, each with its unique gears and weapons.

維京復仇記》中的角色在視覺上是截然不同的,可以訪問必須與崇拜機制結合使用的不同技能和物品。 這些組合每次都提供獨特的體驗,並影響您遇到的方式。

Characters in Viking Vengeance are visually distinct and grant access to different skills and items that have to be used in combination with the Worship mechanic. These combinations provide unique experiences every time and influence the way you approach encounters.

每個等級可以在敵人的生命值達到一定閾值後處決他們。 執行敵人將使您恢復生命或增加額外的血液流通,可用於恢復生命,增強奉獻精神或其他收益。
Each class can execute enemies after their health reaches a certain threshold. Executing enemies will either give you health back or extra blood currency which can be used for reviving, boosting your devotion or for other gains.

即使在來世,腐敗也是真實的。 以適當的價格,您將能夠談判出瓦爾哈拉(Valhalla)的出路,並賄賂為您靈魂而來的瓦爾基(Valkyrie)。 您的選擇將是當場恢復血液成本或回到您上次保存的位置,這將重新啟動世界,並使您成為其他女武神的目標,這些女武神想恢復欠他們的靈魂。
Corruption is real even in the after life. For the right price you will be able to negotiate your way out of Valhalla and bribe the Valkyrie that’s coming for your soul. Your options will be Reviving on the spot for a blood cost or going back to your last saved location, which will restart the world and make you a target for other valkyries, who want to recover the soul that is owed to them.

Leveling up in Viking Vengeance consists in choosing different new skills, upgrades for old ones to suit your preferred playstyle or new equipment which can be upgraded to fit your needs.

Get different perspectives from a variety of NPCs on how the events of this world unfold and notice that many things are not as they seem at first glance.

環境和遊戲物理可以在戰鬥中佔上風。 在雷神不斷落下的雷電中,用錘子向敵人投擲敵人的火焰,誘使敵人陷入陷阱,碎冰,懸崖或利用洛基的有毒匕首,這些匕首會在使用化身後永久保留在地面上。
The environment and game physics can be used to gain the upper hand in battle. Throw your enemies with Thor’s hammer in the fires set by his continuously falling thunders, trick enemies into falling in traps, broken ice, cliffs or take advantage of Loki’s poisonous daggers which will permanently remain on the ground after his avatar is used.

在旅程結束時,仙境傳說的徵兆溫布爾溫特將帶來新的挑戰,例如霜凍Draugar,霜凍巨龍和不可預測的敵人,它們將出現在最意想不到的地方。 像您一樣,他們都會拼命尋找傳說中的武器,它將幫助他們在即將到來的厄運中倖存下來。 仍然需要揭露秘密,但世界在與您一同改變。 正如您將發現的那樣,現在領域之間的聯繫比以往任何時候都更加緊密。At the end of your journey, Fimbulwinter, the omen of Ragnarok, will arrive to bring new challenges, like Frost Draugar, the Frost Dragon and unpredictable foes that will be in the most unexpected places. Like you, they will all be desperate to find the legendary weapon which would help them survive the upcoming doom. Secrets still need to be unraveled but the world is changing with you. As you will find out, the realms are now more connected than ever.

我們致力於通過定期的更新和添加使Viking Vengeance成為長期遊戲,其中包括功能,動作,遊戲內容,可玩角色和物品。
We’re committed to make Viking Vengeance a long-term game with regular updates and additions, including features, Acts, gameplay content, playable characters and items.

War, Violence, Cartoony Gore, Death by weapons                                                        

●【下載/安裝教學】:建議使用JDownloader2下載器複製連結後下載 / 解壓縮 /DAEMON Tools Lite虛擬光碟程式開啟ISO檔,並執行setup(路徑自選,需勾選"copy contentsof PLAZA directory to installdir"以破解) / 執行Viking Vengeance.exe


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維京復仇記 Viking Vengeance


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