
標題: [轉]拯救川普老爹2:最後的勝利Save daddy trump 2: The Final Triumph(PC@英文@MP/多空@3.65GB) [打印本頁]

作者: cusatti    時間: 2021-3-5 10:44 PM     標題: [轉]拯救川普老爹2:最後的勝利Save daddy trump 2: The Final Triumph(PC@英文@MP/多空@3.65GB)

本帖最後由 cusatti 於 2021-3-5 10:44 PM 編輯


●【遊戲名稱】:拯救川普老爹2:最後的勝利 Save daddy trump 2: The Final Triumph



●【開發廠商】:Tero LunkkaValkeala Software                             


遊戲動畫影片可參考此網址 https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/256812316/movie_max_vp9.webm?t=1607931967 下載前建議先看看!

川普老爹被再次綁架,現在被鎖在集裝箱上。 你琪琪·川普只是希望。 消滅Peaceland國家的敵人及其領導人腐敗。

Daddy Trump is kidnapped again and now locked to container. You Kiki Trump are only hope. Destroy Peaceland country enemies and their leader Corrupt.

史詩般的傳奇將繼續。  Peaceland有一位新領導人Corrupt,他和他的軍隊綁架了他的前領導人,後者是對他的國家的唯一真正威脅,並將他鎖在密封的容器中。 玩家是川普的女兒,叫琪琪(Kiki),她只是希望恢復和平區的和平。 琪琪(Kiki)是一位才華橫溢的戰士,她會用劍,弓箭與和平王國新邪惡的首領Corrupt和他的軍隊作戰。 使用您的技能並殺死敵人以釋放Peaceland真正的領袖。
The epic saga will continue. Peaceland has a new leader called Corrupt and he and his army has kidnapped his former leader, who was the only real threat to his country, and locked him in a sealed container. The Player are daughter Trump called Kiki and She is only hope to restore peace to Peaceland. Kiki is talented fighter and She can handle swords, and bows to fight against Peaceland new evil leader Corrupt and his army. Use your skills and kill enemies to free Peaceland true leader.

遊戲包含11種不同的主題地圖和設備系統。 玩家可以收集不同種類的武器。 可以使用很多不同的劍和弓。 敵人也有弓箭和劍。 並提防每個級別結束的大老闆。 他只是需要殺死可以完成等級的人。 錢也隱藏在每個級別,這也帶來了成就
Game contains 11 different themed maps and equipment system. Player can collect different kind weapons. Lot of different swords and also bow can be used. Enemies has bows and swords also. And beware the big boss which is end of every level. He is only who need to kill that can finish level. Also money piles hidden every level which gives achievements also



-11級-設備系統11 levels- Equipment system

-不同的敵人,敵人用劍和弓- different enemis, enemy with sword and with bow

-需要殺死以打開特朗普所在的鎖定容器的老闆/集裝箱後衛- Boss/Container guard who need to kill to open locked container where Trump is

-接機- pick-ups

-增加健康的保健藥水。 玩家每次可以使用的時間上限為10
- Health potions which increase health. 10 is maximum per time that player can use

-武器:- Weapons:

-不同的劍:普通劍,大劍,雙手劍- Different swords: normal sword, big sword, double handed sword

-和火箭- Crossbow and fire arrows

-暗殺系統:如果敵人看不見,玩家可以通過將其刺傷來暗殺敵人- Assassination system: Player can assasinate enemy if enemy not see by stabbing him behind

-盾牌可以更好地防禦敵人- Shield to protect better against enemies


這場比賽是一部虛構的作品。 名稱,角色,地點和事件是作者想像力的產物。 任何與實際的人的相似之處,無論是生死的還是實際事件,都是純屬巧合。

This game is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and events are the products of the authors’ imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

●【下載/安裝教學】:建議使用JDownloader2下載器複製連結後下載/ 解壓縮 / 以DAEMON Tools Lite虛擬光碟程式掛載ISO / 執行setup(路徑自選,需勾選"apply crack"以破解) / 執行SDT2.exe

●【注意事項】:steam成人內容:遊戲具有死亡效果和與敵人戰鬥。 Game has deaths effects and fighting with enemies.                                 

●【下載鏈接】:MP / GD / MG / FI




拯救川普老爹2:最後的勝利 Save daddy trump 2: The Final Triumph


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