真是找死我人啦,這樣說話一定比打死了吧.作者: celestian 時間: 2017-7-26 12:04 AM
That is just mean. Why would anyone say such a thing to any girls. Looks like most men would have to be smarter and at least being less stupid around their own wives and people they care about.作者: a32101234 時間: 2017-7-26 12:17 AM
先生也是愛家的好模範作者: 69716009 時間: 2017-7-26 12:40 AM
這種話都敢說......,真的要看到底是誰醜了...作者: 鐵雞 時間: 2017-7-26 09:12 AM
我看這位先生可能活不久了 .. 得罪太太作者: firzen12253 時間: 2017-7-26 09:52 AM
就算是真的 也別說出來 會死得作者: celestian 時間: 2018-9-19 04:50 AM
This husband is an idiot or something for saying stuff like that. Anyone with right mind will know you should never talk to your wife that way or refer to them that way. Wives do that a lot to their husbands though.作者: zero-only 時間: 2018-9-19 06:24 AM
那你得好好想個辦法收拾殘局了。作者: allen610918 時間: 2018-9-19 08:42 AM