
標題: 細胞也有工作狂和懶惰鬼?用「品管工具」打考績淘汰冗員 [打印本頁]

作者: im167928    時間: 2016-4-27 08:09 PM     標題: 細胞也有工作狂和懶惰鬼?用「品管工具」打考績淘汰冗員

       作者 黃 斯沛 | 發布日期 2016 年 04 月 16 日
【轉載出處】:TechNews 科技新報


  這項研究由工程學院環境能源及化學工程助理教授 Fuzhong Zhang 所領導,Zhang 的研究專長主要致力於利用系統生物學的方法發展生產生物能源、藥物等化學原料的微生物系統。除此之外,他也著力於發展能夠合成特殊產物的改造微生物,以及提升執行複雜工作的效率。

  在這項研究中,Zhang 的研究團隊發現了縱使是基因完全相同的微生物也有不同的「工作態度」,細胞的工作態度差異並不是來自隨意的基因突變,而是一種生物中的「雜訊(noise) 」,是自然產生的現象,無法去除或避免。但這樣的問題除了導致生產效率降低之外,也產生許多不必要的資源浪費。因此,在這項研究中,科學家設計出一套系統能夠使努力工作的細胞繼續保持高度運作,而表現較差的細胞則被消除。



  為了避免懈怠的細胞浪費太多的養分,研究團隊研發了一種叫做 PopQC 品管工具,可以讓勤奮的細胞留下來同時去除懈怠的細胞。科學家將感測器置入細胞中,藉此感測細胞的工作效能。當感測器發現某個細胞製造了大量的產物,就會將這個細胞認定為勤奮的細胞,接著引導控制器製造能夠讓細胞生長的特殊蛋白質。反之,當感測器發現細胞的工作效率低落,就不會讓控制器製造蛋白質,這些懈怠的細胞在不久後就會因為養分不足無法對抗環境中的抗生素而死亡。

  研究團隊將 PopQC 運用在兩種改造的大腸桿菌品系之中,其中一種被設計來生產製造生物燃料或和成大分子化合物的原料游離脂肪酸,另一種則是被設計來生產可做為藥品原料的胺基酸酪氨酸。PopQC 使得這兩個品系的大腸桿菌群中最後都是以勤奮的細胞為多數,成功的使得游離脂肪酸及酪氨酸的總產量都提高了 3 倍之多。

  PopQC 的運用範圍十分廣泛,在許多不同的生物合成途徑或者不同的生物體內,只要能夠讓合適的感測器植入並且感測宿主的生產效率就能夠運作。在生物學研究中生物體之間的工作效率差異所產生的偏差一直都是普遍存在的問題,PopQC 的設計雖然是為了解決這項問題而誕生,但未來或許能夠啟發其他領域的工作者,將這項設計的原理引入,改善系統效率。

  這項研究成果 3 月 21 日發表於科學期刊 Nature Chemical Biology 網站。而 Zhang 也已經將這項設計原理,由聖路易斯華盛頓大學科技管理中心協助,提出專利申請。

Cells that work hard stay alive, lazy cells die
March 21, 2016 by Beth Miller

  Engineered strains of E. coli were used in the cellular kill switch research. The PopQC sensor rewarded high-performing bacteria with extra protein to grow and thrive; the lazy bacteria were eliminated.

  A team of engineers at Washington University in St. Louis discovered a way to improve production of biofuels, pharmaceuticals, materials and other useful chemicals by capitalizing on the work ethic of cells.

  The research team, led by Fuzhong Zhang, assistant professor of energy, environmental & chemical engineering in the School of Engineering & Applied Science, discovered that genetically identical microbial cells have different work ethics. The team developed a tool to ensure that the hard-working cells keep working hard and the low-performing cells are eliminated.

  The research is published online in Nature Chemical Biology March 21.

  When engineering microbes to produce useful chemicals, cells from the same ancestor often perform tasks differently. Using engineered strains of the bacteria E. coli, Zhang's team demonstrated that only a small fraction of cells worked hard to produce the desired chemicals, while the majority of others were content to not work, but to eat nutrients intended for working cells. The different work ethic is not caused by unintended genetic mutations, they found, but rather by "noise" in biology, which is inherent in nature and impossible to eliminate.

  To prevent the lazy cells from wasting nutrients, Zhang's team developed a quality-control tool, called PopQC, that can keep the hard-working, high-performing cells working while eliminating the low-performing cells. The team placed a sensor inside the cells that could sense how much work each cell was doing. If the sensor determined that a cell was making a lot of the products, the sensor would trigger a controller to make a protein that allowed the cells to survive and grow. If the sensor determined that the cell was not working hard enough, it remained silent, and the lazy cells died from lack of nutrition or were knocked out by antibiotics.

  The team applied PopQC to two engineered strains of E. coli: one designed to produce free fatty acid, a precursor for biofuels or other high-volume chemicals; and one designed to produce tyrosine, an amino acid that can be a precursor to pharmaceuticals. PopQC allowed the hard-working cells to dominate in both cultures and led to threefold enhanced ensemble production of both free fatty acid and tyrosine, Zhang said.

  "PopQC could be applied to a variety of biosynthetic pathways and host organisms as long as a proper sensor exists that detects the product in the engineered host," Zhang said. "Because noise is a universal problem in biology, the design principle of this work should inspire engineers from many other fields to improve efficiency of engineered systems."

  Zhang has filed a patent application for the design principle with assistance from the university's Office of Technology Management.

  Zhang's research interests focus on applying synthetic biology methodologies to develop microbial systems for the sustainable production of biofuels, chemicals and materials with defined structures and controllable properties. He also is interested in developing tools that allow engineered microbes to synthesize target products and to perform complex tasks more efficiently and robustly.

More information: Exploiting non-genetic cell-to-cell variation for enhanced biosynthesis, DOI: 10.1038/nchembio.2046

Provided by: Washington University in St. Louis


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