這真是令人振奮的消息 想當初我還沒有破關哩作者: 冰箱先生 時間: 2015-7-5 01:31 AM
這下ff15+ff7 必買!!
只是希望不要再等十年而已…作者: ROSA100 時間: 2015-7-5 11:04 AM
一轉眼已數十寒暑 作者: aws554463 時間: 2015-7-6 02:36 AM
十分期待,想不到FF7 會重制,還一來就放進PS4平台, 作者: sexy_guy888 時間: 2015-7-6 04:06 AM
I'm not entire sold on the so called "remake" concept as the producer clearly said besides the story and the characters, the game is suppose to be new from the ground up which technically does not equal to a remake.作者: funien.t 時間: 2015-7-6 11:26 AM